Model prediction on the characteristics of dipole atoms: the concept of Schrodinger’s equation

Chukwuemeka Peter Ukpaka


  • administrator .


This paper investigates the model to predict the characteristics of dipole atoms upon the application of Schrödinger’s wave equation. Many element of chemists’ picture of molecular structure hinge on the point of view that separates the electronic motions from the vibration/rotational motion and treats coupling between these separated motions as perturbations. It is essential to understand the origins and limitations of this separated (dipole) motion picture. To develop a
framework in terms of which to understand when such separable is valid, one think of an atom or molecule as consisting of a collection of N electrons and M nuclei each of which possesses kinetic energy and among which columbic potential energies of interaction arise to properly describe the motion of all these particles, one need to consider the full Schrödinger Equation H? = ?? in which the Hamiltonian H contains the sum of the Kinetic energies of all N electron and the M nuclei. The range of accuracy of this separation can be understood by considering the differences in time scales that relate to electronic motions and nuclear motions under ordinary circumstances.




