Instruction to Authors


Chemistry International ISSN 2410-9649

An international peer-reviewed journal Published by International Scientific Organization


Scope of the journal

Chemistry International (CI), is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes full-length original research articles, short communications, review articles, and mini-reviews on all aspects of chemistry. This journal aims to address a wide audience and provide an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of present and future perspectives in the field of chemistry. The outstanding studies in other disciplines where any chemical process is involved will also be considered for publication. The authors intending to submit their manuscripts should address scientific issues using a range of techniques, e.g. case studies, observational and theoretical analyses, discussion on emerging issues, and applications of established technologies to the questions of scientific concern with the aim of informing a broad range of the scientific community. 


Instructions to author(s) 

Cover letter/submission declaration 

Submission of an article implies that the work submitted has neither been published nor submitted for publication to any other journal, except in the form of an abstract in conference or academic thesis or as an electronic reprint that it is not under consideration for publication in English or any other language, and will not be submitted elsewhere until decision is made by the editorial board of the chemistry international. All authors approve submission and the contents of the manuscript are original. 


We accept submissions at, all correspondences, including acknowledgment of manuscript number, notification of the Editor's decision (rejection/acceptance/requests for revision) will take place through e-mail. The authors are requested to send emails inquiring about the status of their manuscripts. 

Evaluation process 

Submitted articles are initially evaluated by the editorial board members, if articles are within the scope of the journal and of interest to the scientific community then these are sent for review. This journal uses a single-blind review and based on comments, the editor is responsible for the final decision (rejection/revision/acceptance).

Plagiarism policy

This journal employs Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool, to identify any similarities between the submitted paper and previously published works. If any text overlaps are detected, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision before it is sent for review.


Article preparation/structure 

The manuscript must be divided into the following sections.

Title, Author(s), Abstract, Keywords, Capsule summary (1-2 lines), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments including funding statement (if any) and Conflict of Interest (if any). 

Prepare article in "Times New Roman" font-size "12" with a double line space. Ensure that each main heading is UPPERCASE bold and sub-heading is lowercase bold without section numbering. Tables and figures should be provided after references in accordance with their appearance in the text. Only SI units should be used and abbreviations must be defined at their first appearance in the manuscript. 


The title must be short, informative, and clearly represent the contents of an article. 


A concise abstract stating background, purpose, significant findings, and future prospects of the study. The abstract should not exceed 300 words and should be without any reference. 


A maximum of eight keywords can be provided, words already present in the title should be avoided, and however, standard/well A known abbreviations can be included in keywords. 

Capsule summary 

Provide 1-2 lines, capsule summary highlighting the core finding of research and should be placed after keywords. 


Introduction should address the background and objective(s) of the study with a significant literature survey should be given to identify the gap in existing knowledge. 

Material and methods 

This section should provide sufficient detail of all the processes, techniques, formulae, statistical tools, and software used during the study to allow the readers to reproduce the work. Already published methods should be indicated by a reference and only the modifications (if any) should be described in detail. 

Results and discussion 

Results should be clear and concise; they should not merely repeat figures and/or tables. A combined results & discussion is preferable. The results should be compared and discussed with strong argumentation with the existing relevant literature. 


The main findings of the study must be presented in a conclusions section. A maximum of 150 words should be included in the conclusion section. 


Authors are directed to acknowledge persons or organizations that supported them to carry out their work through financial or any other type of support or they helped the author(s) in the preparation of the manuscript, study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of data. 

Conflict of interest 

All authors are requested to disclose conflict of interest (if any) with other people or organizations. 

Page limit 

There is no page limit for all types of articles. 

Reference style 

All citations in the text should refer to: 

  1. Single author: the author's name (without initials) and the year of publication; such as directly ABC (Year) or parenthetically (ABC, Year) 
  1. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication such as directly ABC and DEF (Year) or parenthetically (ABC and DEF, Year) 
  1. Three or more authors: first author's name without initials followed by 'et al.' and the year of publication such as directly ABC et al. (Year) or parenthetically (ABC et al., Year). et al must be non italic 

Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. 

More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of the publication. 

Reference list 

Reference to a journal publication 

ABC, X., CDE, R., Year. Title of the article. Journal Name Vol(issue), Page range. 

Journal publication accepted 

ABC, X., CDE, R., Year. Title of the article. Journal Name DOI: 10.1016/abs………. 

Reference to a book 

ABC W., DEF, E.B., Year. Title (edition). Publisher, Location.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book 

ABC, X., DEF, Y, Year. Title of the chapter, in: GHI, Z. (Eds.), Book title. Publisher, Location, pp. pages. 


Upon acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will receive a “COPYRIGHT FORM” author(s) will have to complete, sign and send to the editor. After receiving the “COPYRIGHT FORM”, the copyrights will automatically be transferred to the publisher. Permission of the Publisher will be required for the reproduction of either full or any section of work. 

Change in paper contents 

Changes in the paper contents/author name will not be accepted once the article has been accepted for publication. 

Language of the journal 

Journal accepts manuscript only in English, so the author(s) are directed to consult some native English speaker prior to submitting their manuscripts. Manuscripts with poor English, grammatical and typographical errors will be returned to the author(s) for improvement. 


Tables must be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. The caption of the table should be placed above the table. A footnote to tables can be placed below the table body. Footnote should be indicated with superscript in lowercase letters. 

Figures and figure captions 

Figures must also be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and the detail of the caption to each figure must be given. Figure caption should be placed below each figure. 


The galley proofs of the article will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail attachment. Proofreading is solely the responsibility of the corresponding author and the journal will not be responsible for any technical mistake after the corresponding author approves the galley proof. All corrections will be sent back to us within the allowed time in one communication. 


The e-offprint will be delivered by e-mail, so it is a fast and convenient way for you to receive and disseminate your published article as soon as it is available. 

Print copy

Chemistry International is freely available online, but a print edition is also available to purchase. Follow the link ( for a subscription to the print edition. 

Publication Charges 

There are no handling or publication charges to publish in this journal. 

Submissions are accepted at: