Kinetic study of factor affecting the reaction of cyanide and picrate ions in the presence of micellar catalyst
Abdo S. Albadani, Mohammed Hassan and Fathi A. Obayed
In the present investigation, various factors (KOH concentration, resorcinol, temperature and reaction time) that affect the rate of the reaction between cyanide and picrate ions in the alkaline medium were evaluated in the presence of micellar catalyst. The reaction was found to be of zero-order with respect to cyanide ion and first order with respect to picrate ion which confirmed that the mechanism of the reaction is of SN1 type. The reaction was found to be thermally activated with relatively high activation energy. Addition of surfactant, TX-100, to the reaction mixture was found to enhance rate of the reaction as far as its concentration remains below its CMC, the behavior was modeled successfully using Berezin's Model.