Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of traditionally roasted meat using indicator polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Fidelity Mene Deeduah and Godson Ndubuisi Iwuoha
This research is targeted to employ indicator like PAHs, mainly PAH4 and PAH8 to evaluate the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of PAHs in traditionally roasted meat (Suya) in selected locations at Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria, since its estimation using toxicity equivalent factor (TEF) model is not convenient. Suya sample were obtained at designated locations in the metropolitan city and were analyzed for PAHs present in them by using GC-FID and Chemstation after the PAHs were extracted using USEPA 8270 method. The series of results clearly indicated that indicator PAHs, i.e., PAH4 gave the best outlook on genotoxicity and carcinogenicity potential of the Suya over PAH8, PAH2 and Bap indicator PAHs and also visibly showed peak loadings of 0.15131 µg/Kg, which indicates that the sample Suya meat is not genotoxic or carcinogenic especially when correlated with current maximum regulatory value of 12 µg/Kg for PAH4. Regular consumption of Suya is however risky and may expose consumers to cancer.