Physicochemical profiling of crinum zeylanicum oil: Antifungal activity of its bulb extracts in n-hexane, ethanol and water
Janet Moses Daben, Dayil Albert Dashak and Amina Mika Lohdip
This study was performed to determine the quality and medicinal values of the oil and the anti-fungal activity of the extracts to buttress traditional medicinal practices. Soxhlet extraction of n-hexane, ethanol and water extracts were performed and antifungal activity was evaluated against Yeast, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigates and Aspergillus flavus. The oil percentage (3.71±1.03%), moisture content (57.65±1.16%), and refractive index (1.4667±0.06). Saponification value (205.62±0.58 mg/KOH/g), peroxide value (4.59±1.12 meq/kg), iodine value (129.74±0.39 mg/g), free fatty acid (5.93±1.02%), acid value (11.80±1.72 mg/KOH/kg), relative density at 250C (0.86kg/m3), viscosity (0.94±0.93) was recorded, while soap content was not detected. The antifungal susceptible test of the water extract showed a marked inhibitory effect on all the test organisms especially on A. niger more than the control at 300 mg/mL, (p < 0.0001); having the least inhibitory activity on yeast. N-hexane and ethanol extracts have a significant effect on A. niger and the least on A. fumigatus. The Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) revealed n-hexane extract at 75 mg/mL having a potent effect on Yeast, A. flavus, A. fumigates and for water and ethanol extracts varied at 37.5 mg/mL to 150 mg/mL on A. flavus respectively. The minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of water extract remarkably showed resistance on A. flavus and the least action on yeast ranging from 7.5 to 150 (mg/mL). This study indicated that the oil has low susceptibility and potent anti-fungal activity suitable for health benefits.