Characteristics of groundwater in Port-Harcourt local Government area
C. P. Ukpaka and C.Ukpaka
The study was carried out in Port Harcourt Local Government Area, during the dry season. The quality of groundwater in the area was studied using existing deep water well (borehole) constructed with steel casing and screens. Also shallow wells (hand dug) were investigated. Water samples from the groundwater were collected directly from the wells for a period of five weeks and analyzed. The results in all cases showed that pH was acidic (less than 6.5) as against the WHO tolerance limits of 6.5 – 8.5. Iron appears to be relatively higher (0.38mg/l) in borehole groundwater at station 1, Bundu as against WHO – specified maximum value of 0.3 mg/l. Iron is leached by the acidic and corrosive ground waters (pH less than 6) from the steel well-structured and iron pipe network, laterized soil cover that are in vertical continuity with the aquifer and iron rich sediments, particularly iron coated and stained sand and pebble grain. Neither odour nor taste was noticed in all the groundwater sampled. Also there were no fecal coliform and other coliform organisms present during bacteriological analyses. Water treatment involving demineralization (acid medium removal) and iron removal are necessary in order to improve the quality
of ground waters under study.