Empirical model approach for the evaluation of pH and conductivity on pollutant diffusion in soil environment
Chukwuemeka Peter Ukpaka
This work is aimed at developing a mathematical model equation that can be used to predict the fate of contaminant in the soil environment. The mathematical model was developed based on the fundamental laws of conservation and the
equation of continuity given as and was resolved to obtain a quadratic equation of the form C(X) = DX2+vX+f. The developed equation was then used to fit the experimental data that were obtained from the Physiochemical analysis of the soil samples which were obtained at various depths; within the vicinity of the H & H Asphalt plant Company, located at Enito 3 in Ahoada West L.G.A, River State, Nigeria. The Experimental and Model results obtained from the Calculation and Simulation of the developed models were compared numerically and graphically as presented in this work. It was observed that there is reasonable level of agreement between the three results. The polynomial of the curve was established to ascertain the validity of the model; this was done for all the parameters that were analyzed. From the findings the model developed can be used to predict the concentration of a chemical pollutant at various depths. The reliability of the model developed was established giving the fact that through this quadratic equation the diffusivity (coefficient of diffusion), the water velocity and the irreversible reaction decay rate could be determined.