Textile wastewater in Tlemcen (Western Algeria): Impact, treatment by combined process
Kaouthar Djehaf , Amel Zahira Bouyakoub , Rachid Ouhib, Hanane Benmansour, Ali Bentouaf, Amina Mahdad, Noureddine Moulay, Djillali Bensaid and Mohammed Ameri
Algerian water resources are scarce, and unequally distributed. The region is facing severe water shortage problems due to climate conditions, uneven precipitations, and the long periods of drought. Moreover, the demand for water
from the urban population, industry, and especially agriculture is rapidly increasing. Water management represents an economic and ecological challenge to cope with this demand, conserve the water resources and reduce the
environmental pollution. The present paper reviews the textile wastewater treatment and feasibility of reuse. The treatment was performed using a combined process; adsorption on bentonite (B) followed by electroflotation (EF).
The effects of B concentration, pH, contact time and current density, were investigated under optimal conditions for maximal dye elimination. Water reuse activity, the potentials, risks and issued associated with reclaimed water reuse
are also reviewed. The results were well fitted by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and show that the effluent treated by this combined method contained essentially no turbidity, color or COD 99, 01%, 99, 49% and 99, 8% are
the removal rates obtained, respectively. The treated effluent quality satisfied the requirement of water discharges standards and integration of other factors is needed to reuse this water.